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  • Writer's pictureBen Huston

Tips for Weight Loss - Fasting Cardio

Updated: Jun 11

Do moderate (sub-maximal) cardio for 20-30 minutes before breakfast in the morning.

Every once in a while, the Army gets something right. Soldiers have been doing this for decades. Of course, we didn't do "moderate" cardio. We went all-out. Perhaps the most beneficial exercise was 60/120s. That's where you sprint as fast as you can for 60 seconds, then walk super slow for 120 seconds. Repeat this process twelve to twenty times. Those familiar with fitness will recognize this as a HIIT exercise. For those unfamiliar, HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. We also did AGRs, or Ability Group Runs. That's where runners are grouped by speed. Those on the A-Train run about a seven-minute mile. I was on the B-Side, where we ran about an eight-minute mile. Anything slower than B Group was not authorized, at least for males. Once we were formed into running groups, we ran anywhere between two and seven miles depending on the day. Point is, we did fairly intense exercise every morning before breakfast, and we saw results fairly quick. HIIT exercises help with long-distance running, and long-distance running helps with HIIT exercises. If you're interested in entering the world of running, these are things to consider.

Of course, running isn't the only form of cardiovascular exercise. Back in the day, I had it in my head I wanted to be a Navy SEAL. I swam every morning. Swimming is fantastic exercise. So is bicycling. Heck, just go for a walk. The point is to get your body in motion and get your metabolism fired up for the day.

If the thought of exercising on a completely empty stomach makes you feel queasy, go ahead and sneak a light snack. Emphasis on "light." Something with simple sugars your body can use for quick fuel. Some orange juice. Half a banana. Yogurt. I know a Marine Officer who drinks half a bottle of flat Mexican Coca-Cola before every run (now THAT makes me feel queasy). Coke is made with cane sugar in Mexico, not high-fructose corn syrup, so it's a natural sugar and it's quick energy. Eat your little snack and give your body some time to process that fuel before you start exercising. Take a few minutes to warm up and stretch.

“Although fat oxidation increases after training regardless of fasting status, fat oxidation increases even more in those who train while fasting” (Gibson, 2022).

While exercising in the morning can help you with your weight loss goals, what I appreciate the most is how it makes me feel. Exercise releases endorphins (your dolphins build up and you've got to let them out!). I plain and simply feel better. I feel more energized throughout the day. I'm calmer. My mind is clearer. Weight is just a number, but that good feeling is something you can hold onto all day long.



Gibson, L (2022). Impact of Fasting on Metabolism During Exercise. BYU Cardiovascular Research Lab. Brigham Young University. Retrieved from

Ben Huston, RN, MSN

Proud member of the Association of Health Care Journalists


Ben Huston began his medical career as an Army Combat Medic. He served for six years but left the military after being diagnosed with colon cancer. Ben has earned an AAS in Emergency Services with a Firefighter/Emergency Care Emphasis, a BS in Emergency Services Administration with an Emergency Care Emphasis (Paramedic), a BS in Nursing, and an MS in Nursing. He is currently working towards his Doctor of Nursing Practice.

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